
         Bids can be classified as either NATURAL or ARTIFICIAL.
         Natural (non-artificial) bids are those where the suit specified is actually held in some length by the maker of the bid.
         Artificial bids are "phoney" bids where the maker of the bid does not necessarily have the suit.
         All ARTIFICIAL bids are FORCING and may or may not be ALERTABLE if less than 3NT, depending upon whether or not they are
         regarded to be standard.
         Some NON-ARTIFICIAL are also alertable.
         Cue bids in opponent's suit are not alertable, because they are self-alerting.
         The following lists both artificial bids & non-artificial bids which are alertable:

         a. 1st Bids by Opener:
             - A strong artificial 2D opening is alertable & the response that follows can be forcing & alertable.

         b. By Contender:
             1) Any HAMILTON bid over a 1NT opening, including the 2D responsive bid to 2C is alertable.
                 2C says he has 1 long suit.
                 2D says he's peer suited in the majors.
                 2H says he's peer suited in hearts & an unidentified minor.
                 2S says he's peer suited in spades & an unidentified minor.
                 2NT says he's peer suited in the minors.
                 DOUBLE says he's strong & probably flat.
             2) MICHAELS Cue Bid in opponent's suit showing peer suited in the highest ranking unbid suits is forcing, not alertable.
             3) 2NT UNUSUAL NO TRUMP showing peer suited in the lowest unbid suits is forcing, not alertable.
             4) 1NT TOP & BOTTOM overcalls showing peer suited in the top & bottom ranking unbid suits are forcing & alertable.

         c. 1st Bids by Responder:
             - Responder's non-game bid in a new suit or no-trump over opener's pre-empt forces opener to bid 1 round.
                 - RONF 2NT asks for a feature (not alertable).
                 - OGUST (alertable).
             - Any DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE INVERTED MINOR RESPONSE is alertable, with 2C being FORCING.
             - A FORCING 1NT response (alertable)
             - A WEAK JUMP SHIFT response is not forcing, but alertable when there has been no intervention.
             - Responder's Negative Double is forcing 1 round. (not alertable)
             - A SPLINTER or JACOBY 2NT response is forcing & alertable.
             - A 2C DRURY response to 3rd seat opening in a major is forcing & alertable.
             - Any new suit bids are 1-round forcing, but not necessarily alertable, if responder has not previously passed.
             - 2C STAYMAN is artificial over 1NT opening, but not alertable.
             - 3C STAYMAN is artificial over 2NT opening, but not alertable.
             - All transfer bids (especially the rolling transfer- alertable) over 1NT/2NT openings must be announced.
             - All Ace-Asking/King Asking bids are forcing above 3NT, but not alertable.
             - Normally, temporizing bids are not alertable, because partner does not know they are temporizing,
                 where they could be construed to be real & natural.
                 1D TEMPORIZING may be alertable..
             - A bid in the left-hand opponent's suit is WESTERN CUE & forcing, but not alertable.
             - A WEAK MINOR JUMP OVER 1N is not alertable.
             - A MARCUS MAJOR JUMP over 1NT may be alertable, but not likely.

         d. 2nd Bids by Opener
             - SUPPORT DOUBLES (alertable) by opener showing 3-card support for responder's major.

         e. 2nd Bids by Responder
             - 4th SUIT FORCING (alertable).
             - Any SMOLEN or SPLINTER bid after 1NT openings are alertable.
             - A jump rebid by responder in his own suit is game forcing, not alertable

    1. Opener's:
        - 1C is alertable, because opener may have a FLAT-5 MAJOR with 16-18 points.
        - 2C is alertable, because opener may have 19+ points.
        - 2D is alertable if playing MODIFIED MINI-ROMAN.
    2. Responder's:
        - 1D is alertable if playing a temporizing 1D response.
        - Responses to 2C are alertable, because it is Ted's new 2C RESPONSE CONVENTION.
        - 2-level major suit bid over 2D opening bids are alertable if playing MODIFIED MINI-ROMAN.
         - Responder's INVERTED MINOR response is alertable.
         - Responder's 2D over opener's 1NT is alertable, because it might be a RELAY TRANSFER to clubs.
         - Responder's 3D over opener's 2NT is alertable, because it might be a RELAY TRANSFER to clubs.
         - A WEAK MINOR JUMP OVER 1N is not alertable.
         - A MARCUS MAJOR JUMP over 1NT may be alertable, but not likely.
         - A WEAK JUMP SHIFT response is not forcing, but alertable when there has been no intervention.
         - Responder's Negative Double is forcing 1 round. (not alertable)
         - A SPLINTER response is forcing & alertable.
         - A 2C DRURY response to 3rd seat opening in a major is forcing & alertable.
         - Any new suit bids are 1-round forcing, but not necessarily alertable, if responder has not previously passed.
         - 2C STAYMAN is artificial over 1NT opening, but not alertable.
         - 3C STAYMAN is artificial over 2NT opening, but not alertable.
         - Responder's non-game bid in a new suit after partner's prempt is asking for a stopper & may be alertable.
              Responder's bid of a minor at the 3-level after going through STAYMAN may be asking for a stopper.
    3. Opener's 2D response to responder's LOW LEVEL STAYMAN 2C bid is alertable.
    4. Contender's Overcall Bids:
         a. Any HAMILTON bid over a 1NT opening, including the 2D responsive bid to 2C is alertable.
                 2C says he has 1 long suit.
                 2D says he's peer suited in the majors.
                 2H says he's peer suited in hearts & an unidentified minor.
                 2S says he's peer suited in spades & an unidentified minor.
                 2NT says he's peer suited in the minors.
                 DOUBLE says he's strong & probably flat.
         b. MICHAELS Cue Bid in opponent's suit showing peer suited in the highest ranking unbid suits is forcing, possibly alertable.
         c. 2NT UNUSUAL NO TRUMP showing peer suited in the lowest unbid suits is forcing, not alertable.
         d. 1NT TOP & BOTTOM overcalls showing peer suited in the top & bottom ranking unbid suits are forcing & alertable.
     5. By Respondent.
         a. ARTIFICIAL BUST BID to take-out double is alertable, because Next-Suit-Up is artificial showing less than 6 points.